Saturday, January 21, 2012

* it's funny, all guys in the world hate their mother-in-law

this one named  Just Room Enough Island, One of Thousand Islands in St. Lawrence River.
i had  visited there with  my  youngest sis last few years ago.
there had  an extreme-big island for his wife but this " just room enough island " for his mother-in -law ....:-)

more interesting things coz border of U.S n Canada.
some islands was half  belong to U.S n half belong to Canada....:-)
with 2 flags on a small island..

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* all we must do immediately for green world

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

* Taj Mahal ( 7 Wonders of India )



泰姬陵是世界奇迹之一。它展现了世界高超的建筑设计水平,体现了最佳的建筑艺术和 风格。沙杰汗煞费苦心不惜一切代价地为宠妃建造了如此宏伟、富丽堂皇的陵墓,说明他当时对宠妃的爱有多么深。沙杰汗在泰姬陵建成不久便被儿子废除了王位, 被囚禁在阿格拉城堡,晚年靠每天远望泰姬陵度日,直至伤心忧郁而死。他死后,与宠妃一起被葬在泰姬陵。泰姬陵是一座伟大的爱情纪念碑,它是一代君王爱情的见证,向世人讲述着他们的爱情故事。
Historical legend
The Taj Mahal is one of the world's wonders . It shows the level of the world's superb architectural design embodies the best of architecture and style. Shajie Khan pains Chongfei at all costs for the construction of such a magnificent , magnificent tomb , that he was the love of Chongfei how deep. Shajie Khan son of the Taj Mahal was built soon after the abolition of the throne , was imprisoned in the castle of Agra , the Taj Mahal to survive old age afar by day , until the sad melancholy death. After his death, together with Chong Fei was buried in the Taj Mahal . Taj Mahal is a monument to the great love , it is the Emperor, the witness of love to the world about their love story.

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* believe it or not ( they said they are the top of the democracy country in the world ) nothing must not be blocked on internet always they shout loudly
when i browsing wiki tonight.
 nothing must not be blocked on internet always they shout loudly

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* Buddhist Quotations n translate by google for u

The greatest achievement is selflessness.

The greatest worth is self-mastery.

The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.

The greatest precept is continual awareness.

The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.

The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.

The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.

The greatest generosity is non-attachment.

The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.

The greatest patience is humility.

The greatest effort is not concerned with results.

The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.

The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.
see more

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

* Sleeping kid

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

* cookie fortune

after having a dinner or lunch at chinese restaurant,
they always service u a kind of cookie like this.

in cookie, they had hide a piece of letter.
likes fortuneteller or some about u.
also there has a lottry No. for u in the back

i got the letter tonight......:-)

see more of cookie fortune

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