Thursday, April 26, 2012

* top 10 best countries to Live in 2012

there have no asia also United States :-)
may be coz choice by  Europe them self.
but world 10 most Dangerous Countries in 2012 No.2 is U.S :-)

2. United States
2. United States e1325664449719 Worlds 10 Most Dangerous Countries in 2012
It became dangerous after the 9/11 attack took place despite of the political plans and other progressive weapons that US have to protect against terrorists. This is the target country of the people who were part of the killings of the innocent lives, and another very reason for US to be on second place is the killings they have done in the name of terrorism and peace, hundred of thousands of innocent civilian people have been died in Afghanistan and Iraq for no reason but for Oil icon smile Worlds 10 Most Dangerous Countries in 2012

that's why i want to take a look ( visit ) to europe before i die...:-)
10. France
10. France e1327419255436 Top 10 Best Countries to Live in 2012
Based on the ratio for working hours for all employees, it only garnered 9% compared to other countries that they have to work overtime than the regular 8 hours, just to be able to bring or receive enough remuneration that would be sufficient for a week's or month's expense. Women and children have 16.06 hours that had been spent for personal care, leisure, and 66% of women who are employed have children. The child poverty concern is only 8% and this ratio makes it healthier for individuals to live in.
9. Portugal
9. Portugal e1327419278660 Top 10 Best Countries to Live in 2012
Yes, it is true that it is one of the countries that have lowest child ratio. In fact, majority of families have one child, which can be found out of 10 49 year-old women. Although this ratio affects the stability of the country, however, the main reason is the working long hours of the employees, which is current recorded at 6%, which suggests that an individual does not need to double their effort just to meet their needs. The 65% is allocated for women who are working where they have children and 15.27% is high for leisure.

8. Germany
8. Germany e1327419302573 Top 10 Best Countries to Live in 2012
It is also one of the major three countries that have fewer babies wherein it maintains to have a 5% ratio of employees that work long hours, which is one of the good factors, and indicators that an immigrant would enjoy. It has 16.14 total hours spent for personal care and leisure while 66% employment rate for those women who have children.

7. Sweden
7. Sweden e1327419325915 Top 10 Best Countries to Live in 2012
It has a good ratio recorded because according to statistics, there is 65% time equal to 15.5 hours that people had to spend on personal stuff such as sleeping and eating, which also includes leisure time to socialize, attend to their hobbies, and be with family and friends. It influences the hours of work in this country. In fact, there is only 1% among the employment population that had worked longer hours, which is a good indicator that quality of living and compensation in this country is high, wherein 76% of women are working although they have kids already.

6. Switzerland
6. Switzerland e1327419347804 Top 10 Best Countries to Live in 2012
It could have had 6% long hours of work for all employed individuals but they have recorded 1640 hours worked in a year, which is one of lowest, recorded in OECD. There are 79% of women who are working while doing their maternal responsibilities to their children. Hence, 15.74 hours were spent for leisure and personal care.

5. Belgium
5. Belgium e1327419416711 Top 10 Best Countries to Live in 2012
Another lowest working hour recorded in OECD, which is 1550 hours for its annual report, which is 4%. Hence, it garnered 63% employment rate for women who have children and had 16.61 hours spent for personal matters and free time.

4. Finland
4. Finland e1327419442654 Top 10 Best Countries to Live in 2012
This is one of the countries that assured and ensured working mothers, that child welfare could be given through childcare places, which have been established that would continue to nurture children. It is the reason that the mother employment rate here is up by 76% while 4% is the total long working hours and has maintained 15.95 hours for leisure time and personal stuff.

3. Netherlands
3. Netherlands e1327419467100 Top 10 Best Countries to Live in 2012
It has the lowest working rate among all other countries; because of the total working hours recorded are only 1378 annually. It has increased employment opportunities for women that made it 76% ratio for women who have children. Hence, majority of this ratio is part-time employment, while 16.06 hours had been spent with family, children, and important endeavors during free time. It has 1% record for long hours worked.

2. Norway
2. Norway e1327419493303 Top 10 Best Countries to Live in 2012
It is still one of the choices of individuals where they can live with 1407 total hours worked in a year with 3% ratio of long hours worked, 79% is attributed to women's employment to those who have maternal responsibilities and yet had spent 16.05 hours for leisure and personal endeavors.

1. Denmark
1. Denmark e1327419534385 Top 10 Best Countries to Live in 2012
It has been placed as the number one country where an individual can live permanently because of the lowest child-poverty rate in the world due to an active implementation of child services. It has 2% long working hours, 78% for working mothers, and 16.31 for time spent for personal and free time.
You might ask why United States, Canada, and even Australia are not part of the list of best countries to live. They are part of the list, but it has ranked #23, 14, and higher than #23. The rules in migrating and settling in those countries become stiffer and rigid, specifically in Canada as to requirements for eligibility for citizenship.

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* Solar storm a serious threat around 2012

 our lovely pity earth.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

* for one of my best friend he who passed away yesterday

deeply hoping he was being NDE  still i m.

Monday, April 23, 2012

* google's new homepage of today

today, google make it's homepage like this.

when u click the zip, it will unzip to open the web page like this.

male in the world r willing google to make the page like this i think....:-)

send from  u will also like myloivfe ^!^  

* “ This microwave pressure cooker is TERRIFIC--! ” they said

This is great for busy people.
Cooks and tenderizes in 30 minutes or less. they said.
price at  $50.47

Use in food detoxification

Some food toxins can be reduced by pressure cooking. A Korean study of aflatoxins in rice (associated with Aspergillus fungus) showed that pressure cooking was capable of reducing aflatoxin concentrations to between 12 and 22% of the amount in the uncooked rice.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

* i even want to make this business like them

just only u need to buy some hard drives and network share drive.
1000 GB just  Price at $89.99
u need to pay $1000.00/year at amazon.
they much change the name 
amazing instead of amazon ...:-)

send from  u will also like myloivfe ^!^  

* when i made it to reverse :-)

seems google will be angry of it.
g@!@le  instead of @!@!!!
feel with music on youtube.