泰姬陵是世界奇迹之一。它展现了世界高超的建筑设计水平,体现了最佳的建筑艺术和 风格。沙杰汗煞费苦心不惜一切代价地为宠妃建造了如此宏伟、富丽堂皇的陵墓,说明他当时对宠妃的爱有多么深。沙杰汗在泰姬陵建成不久便被儿子废除了王位, 被囚禁在阿格拉城堡,晚年靠每天远望泰姬陵度日,直至伤心忧郁而死。他死后,与宠妃一起被葬在泰姬陵。泰姬陵是一座伟大的爱情纪念碑,它是一代君王爱情的见证,向世人讲述着他们的爱情故事。
Historical legend
The Taj Mahal is one of the world's wonders . It shows the level of the world's superb architectural design embodies the best of architecture and style. Shajie Khan pains Chongfei at all costs for the construction of such a magnificent , magnificent tomb , that he was the love of Chongfei how deep. Shajie Khan son of the Taj Mahal was built soon after the abolition of the throne , was imprisoned in the castle of Agra , the Taj Mahal to survive old age afar by day , until the sad melancholy death. After his death, together with Chong Fei was buried in the Taj Mahal . Taj Mahal is a monument to the great love , it is the Emperor, the witness of love to the world about their love story.
The Taj Mahal is one of the world's wonders . It shows the level of the world's superb architectural design embodies the best of architecture and style. Shajie Khan pains Chongfei at all costs for the construction of such a magnificent , magnificent tomb , that he was the love of Chongfei how deep. Shajie Khan son of the Taj Mahal was built soon after the abolition of the throne , was imprisoned in the castle of Agra , the Taj Mahal to survive old age afar by day , until the sad melancholy death. After his death, together with Chong Fei was buried in the Taj Mahal . Taj Mahal is a monument to the great love , it is the Emperor, the witness of love to the world about their love story.
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