Friday, November 27, 2009

* the 2012 movie i had watched today

2012 trailer hits. The world ends again in Hollywood they said.what u will do on 2012?
i do suggest u to find out a girlfriend or a boyfriend before the end of the world.
love each other, die together.....:-)

* good bye thanks giving for 2009

empty out of car at downdown car parking  on thanks giving day.

hope everybody had a nice thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

* cool

guess, i must buy these to practise to drive hi-speed.

i m really afraid to drive in freeway till now. @!@

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

* lovely kid

Monday, November 23, 2009

* hey jude ( listen to this song before u plan to divorce. )

"Hey Jude" is a song by the English rock band The Beatles. Credited to Lennon/McCartney, the ballad evolved from "Hey Jules", a song Paul McCartney wrote to comfort John Lennon's son Julian during his parents' divorce. "Hey Jude" begins with a verse-bridge structure based around McCartney's vocal performance and piano accompaniment; further details are added as the song progresses to distinguish sections. After the fourth verse, the song shifts to a fade-out coda that lasts for more than four minutes.
i  feel like to sing for whom  surrounding of me feel discomfort coz their parents' divorce.
how about u think?
to whom would u praise for the kid or his parent?
for me, my answer is " Both "

Sunday, November 22, 2009

* songs i share with u

have a taste of eastern mood PLS.

recommend see also

* hee hee heeee

for feel better, turn loudest ur PC.